Our performance | East by West Ferries

Our performance

As a public transport operator on Metlink's public transport network, East By West reports our monthly performance to Greater Wellington Regional Council. For the purpose of transparency we also provide this information here on our website.

We are measured by two key performance indicators, with an expected performance of 95%.

  • Reliability is a percentage of sailings undertaken in the month vs. our timetable (with an allowance for "normal" weather interruption).
  • Punctuality is a percentage of departures leaving no earlier than five minutes and no later than ten minutes outside the timetabled departure time.

As well as performance against KPI's, East By West provides additional context, as well as a deeper level of detail relating to punctuality in each month from June 2023 onwards.  

FIFA Women's World Cup scorecard

The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup ran between 20 July and 20 August. As part of the tournament organisation, free public transport was provided for all FIFA accedited passholders, as well as for ticketholders on match days. As East By West is an Operator on the Metlink pubic transport network, we took part in this exercise by providing free travel for the nine games in Wellington.

  • 1,798 free tickets were provided for travel on the ferry for the FIFA Women's World Cup.
  • Five late night special sailings were provided over the tournament, and they were 98.5% fully booked
    • One late night special sailing was cancelled due to weather, and this affected 28 passengers that had booked in advance
  • We had extra crew on stand-by for our regular schedule, and three extra public services were provided in anticipation of extra demand.
    • Zero passengers were left behind at wharves due to not enough capacity on ferry.


July 2023 performance.


  • 95.5%
    • 22 weather cancellations (welcome to winter!)
    • 10 maintenance cancellations (one week without City Cat)
  • 684 out of 718 scheduled one-way trips were completed across Wellington Harbour.
  • A "normal" July would ordinarily see 7% of sailings cancelled due to weather vs. the 3.2% actual impact from weather this month


  • 96.5%
  • Against the KPI, six sailings left earlier than five minutes ahead of schedule (full), and eighteen sailings left more than ten minutes later than scheduled.
  • When using a tighter KPI definition of "within one minute":
    • 51.5% of sailings were perfectly punctual
    • Fifteen early departures (due to leaving full). Our 317 departures leaving later than the minute of departure in the month left an average of two minutes and fifty five seconds late.
    • Of reasons recorded for lateness, these were made up of:
      • Crews swapping over between boats - 10%
      • Ika Rere charging - 10%
      • Presence of rowing crews - 30%
      • Orca in vicinity of wharf - 20%
      • Assisting with a mobility issue - 10%
      • Weather-related delay - 20%
  • Arrival times for the month arrived on average between 3:40 minutes early and 2:30 minutes late.


  • We transported 15,044 passengers during the month of July. Our best ever July.
  • Passenger numbers continue to sit above pre-covid levels (year to date currently up 5.3% on pre-covid, and up 41% on covid affected years)
  • 51% of passengers purchased commuter fares vs. 49% purchasing single fares.

Energy Efficiency.

  • Ika Rere completed 37% of all sailings in the month of June
  • Carbon impact
    • 17,541 kg less carbon emitted this month by using Ika Rere.
    • 29,970 kg carbon still emittted by diesel vessels this month.
  • Ika Rere use profile
    • Ika Rere ran on 102% of sailings it was scheduled to run on.


June 2023 performance.


  • 100%
  • 780 out of 780 one-way trips completed across Wellington Harbour.
  • Unusually, we saw zero cancellations during the month of June in a continuation of settled weather through 2023 (March aside).
  • A "normal" June would ordinarily have seen 7% of sailings cancelled due to weather (approx 1.8 days fully cancelled, or 3.5 days with partial cancellations).


  • 99.4%
  • Against the KPI, one sailing left earlier than five minutes ahead of schedule (full), and four sailings left more than ten minutes later than scheduled.
  • When using a tighter KPI definition of "within one minute":
    • 59.5% of sailings were perfectly punctual
    • One early departure (full). Our 316 late departures in the month left an average of two minutes and twenty seconds late. Late departures resulted from:
      • Passengers running to catch ferry - 85.4%
      • Crews swapping-over between boats - 13.3%
      • City Cat runs into next sailing when carrying a heavy passenger load - 1.3%
    • Sailings for the month arrived between three minutes early and one minute 45 seconds late.


  • We transported 14,869 passengers during the month of June. Our best ever June.
  • 51% of passengers purchased commuter fares vs. 49% purchasing single fares.

Energy Efficiency.

  • Ika Rere completed 31% of all sailings in the month of June
  • Carbon impact
    • 17,187kg less carbon emitted this month by using Ika Rere.
    • 38,255kg carbon still emittted by diesel vessels this month.
  • Ika Rere use profile
    • Ika Rere ran on 97.4% of sailings it was scheduled to run on.